我来新西兰就读的第一所语言学校就是MANUKAU INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(MIT), 我接触这个学校是1999年,那时在国内参加了一次由新西兰驻华使馆主办的新闻发布会,会上MIT国际部主任介绍了学校的情况。 十年之后, 当我跨进MIT的校园, 这所现代化的学校尽收眼底, 她有着学术氛围浓厚的环境, 造型各异的教学楼, 图书室. 实验室. 电教室. 体育馆,专业教学设备与设施一应俱全, 更重要的有一支强大的师资队伍。有一套很科学的教学方法和很实用的教材, 在短短的4个月为一期的时间里, 通过学习我不仅能用基础英语来应对生活所需, 还能用英语写短文了。我从小学到大学遇到过不少老师,且我自己当过老师, 我的父母也都是老师,但在这所学校感受到了我一生以来所遇见的最敬业的老师们, 他们有SUSAN,GAIL,MARK,REBECCA等等,其中给我印象最深,后来我们又成为了朋友的老师就是---亚当(ADAM). fficeffice" />
亚当50出头, 金发碧眼, 脸部轮廓分明,十分英俊, 很标准的英格兰男士身材,温文尔雅。他22年前来自英国, 毕业于世界名校牛津大学和兰卡斯特大学,拥有神学和历史双学位,他于2006年完成了澳洲迪肯大学国际发展专业的硕士课程的学习,他的爱好兴趣广泛,喜欢旅游. 游泳. 打乒乓球. 欣赏古典音乐, 尤其是喜欢读书和写作。
他写的短剧 “海滩男管家”在学校的结业典礼上自编自演效果极好, 剧中他扮演一个不能很好地讲英语的管家在海滩上给客人上饮料,一个英语老师试图教他说,但失败了. 突然象变魔术一样,这个管家能说非常流利的英语,而那个英语老师倒忘了怎么说英语了。内容是英式的幽默, 表演时的着装和化妆, 确实是下了一翻功夫, 他穿着很夸张的酒吧男服务生的工装, 头戴一顶黑色礼帽, 手捧一个托盘, 托盘上有酒和饮料, 他与一位女老师的合作, 很是滑稽, 让人捧腹大笑, 使你很难把他上课时着装和风度与剧中人相关联。
他谙熟礼仪、潇洒大方、富有内涵、气质高雅、态度温和. 风趣幽默。记得上课时, 为了让我们学好英语的某一个单词和句型, 他不惜用肢体语言和声音模仿来加强效果. 有时一堂课下来弄得满身是汗, 不断地采用多种方法助教, 比如“以讹传讹”.“宾戈” 等游戏来调动课堂气氛,激发学生学习语言的兴趣。特别可贵的是他的夫人娜丽塔(Lalita)的热心,盛情邀请我们到他的家里派对,20几位学生在他家里欢聚一堂,既加深了同学之间师生之间的感情,又增进了语言的学习。只是一次派对下来,他们夫妇俩就忙得不亦乐乎。而且不仅一个班的学生,也就是离开了MIT的学生照旧得到他的邀请。
他去过20多个国家,2010年去了中国,在中国得到他的学生热情接待,由此可见师生之间情谊之深。在北京“全聚德”品尝了北京烤鸭,登上了八达岭长城,参观了十三陵及玉器厂和丝织品厂。由于他是学历史的,对中国近代史和现代史有较深的研究,我们在一起谈论中国和英国历史,中国和英国的教育,从中找出相同的和不同的地方;他经常喝中国茶,每周2小时学习中文,他能准确地说出简单的日常中文,我和他的交谈经常中文和英文同时并举,都能够明白对方要表达的意思,我夸他中文说得比我说英文好多了, 他谦虚地摇摇头: “没有, 没有”。
更让我感动的是他有着我们相同或者相近的思维方式,真所谓“心有灵犀一点通”。中国至古以来讲究的是“百善孝为先”,他孝敬父母,每年回英国与他年迈的母亲相聚,今年又去英国为他的母亲庆贺90大寿,为此,我还专门给他的母亲发出贺信。他回新西兰时,还特地从带回一件包装讲究礼物送给我,打开一看:是一副非常精致的绘着荷兰风情的瓷画,让我十分感激。还有一次他和我参加中国同学的家庭音乐会,他完全地溶入了我们之中,他聚精会神地欣赏着中国古典音乐,我提议他表演一个节目,他爽快地唱了一首名为"On Ilkley Moor bar t'at"英格兰民歌,那种投入和豪放确实让我们为之感动。
我虽然离开MIT了, 但经常去MIT, 在那里见见可亲可敬的老师们, 我和亚当是好朋友了, 外出旅行时相互发Email, 偶尔在一起派对, 我们喝着中国茶和咖啡, 用中文和英文讲叙着各自的所见所闻和感受, 我们的友谊随着时间慢慢地加深。
回复 6# 一得
Author------Yi de
I attended the first New Zealand school is MANUKAU INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (MIT), I contacted the school in 1999, when the country participated in a New Zealand Embassy hosted a press conference, Director of International Department at MIT describes the situation in schools. Ten years later, when I stepped into the MIT campus, this panoramic view of the modern school, she has a strong academic atmosphere of the environment, various shapes of school buildings, library. laboratory. electric classrooms. stadiums, professional teaching equipment and facilities, more importantly, have a strong faculty. Have a very scientific and very practical method of teaching materials, in just four months, I not only can use by learning basic English to respond to the necessities of life, but also write essays of English. I met a lot of primary school to university teachers, and I was a teacher, my parents were teachers, but the school felt in my life met since the most dedicated teachers, they are SUSAN, GAIL, MARK, REBECCA, etc., which impressed me the most, then we became friends is a teacher --- Adam (ADAM). ADAM is a tall, gentle 50-something blond, chiseled face, very handsome, very standard English man. He came 22 years ago to New Zealand, graduated from the prestigious University of Oxford and Lancaster University with degrees in History and Theology, he completed in 2006, Deakin University, Australia, Master of International Development professional (Deakin University Masters in International Development) courses of study, his broad interests, hobbies, likes to travel, swimming table tennis. enjoy classical music, especially like reading and writing. He wrote the skit, "beach butler" in the school's graduation ceremony, wrote and performed very effective, can not play well he played a butler in the English-speaking guests on the beach to drink, an English teacher trying to teach him said, but failed. suddenly like magic, the steward can speak very fluent English, and English teacher that forgot how to say English. Content is British humor, dress and make-up performances, indeed, under the doubled effort, he was wearing a very exaggerated male waiter tooling bar, wearing a black hat, holding a tray, tray with Wine and drink, he and a female teacher cooperation, it is funny, people laugh, making it hard to dress him in class and grace associated with the dramatis personae. He was familiar with the manners, handsome and generous, content rich, elegant, mild mannered and humorous. I remember in class, in order for us to learn the English language one word and sentence, he imitate the body language and voice to enhance the effect, sometimes the class was confused he, constantly taught in several ways, such as " repeated the baseless assertion "." bingo "and other games to mobilize the classroom atmosphere, to stimulate interest in learning the language. Particularly valuable is his wife Na Lita (Lalita) enthusiastic, warm inviting us to his house party, 20 several students gathered at his home, only deepened the feelings between teachers and between students, but also enhance the language of learning. The couple. And not only a class of students, that is, as usual left the MIT students to get his invitation. He visited more than 20 countries, went to China in 2010, his students in China have been warmly received, we can see the depth of friendship between teachers and students. In Beijing, "Quanjude" taste Beijing roast duck, visited the Badaling Great Wall, the Ming Tombs and enjoyed seeing the Jade and silk factories. May be due to he is studying history, modern history and modern history of China there is a deeper study, we talk about the history of China and the United Kingdom, China and the United Kingdom's education, together to find out the same and different places; he often drinks Chinese tea, 2 hours per week to learn Chinese, he can say exactly simple, everyday Chinese, he and I talk often of both Chinese and English at the same time, are able to understand each other trying to say, I say better than I praised him for his Chinese speak English better, he shook his head modestly: "No, no." He made me move with us is the same or similar way of thinking, so-called "minds think alike." Since ancient Chinese to pay attention to the "virtues of filial piety as the first," he honor year their parents, and returns to England together with his elderly mother, every went to the UK this year to celebrate the 90 birthday of his mother, for which I dedicated to his mother send letter. When he returned to New Zealand, with a present for me I paid attention to packaging, opened it: It is a very fine Dutch style painted porcelain painting, so I was very grateful. Another time he and I attended the Chinese students of family concerts, he completely integrated into our being, he attentively to enjoy the Chinese classical music, I suggested that he perform a show, he readily sang called " On Ilkley Moor bar t'at " English folk songs, the kind of commitment and bold indeed, let us be moved. Although I left MIT, but often go to MIT, where teachers meet his dear, Adam and I are good friends, and send each other when traveling Email, occasionally with the party, we are drinking Chinese tea and coffee in Chinese and English spoke of the respective observations and feelings, our friendship deepened slowly over time.
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